It’s that time of year again! Summer is just around the corner. You know what that means…
People start to panic about their body image, guilt and shame consuming energy that could otherwise be spent in planning their summer adventures.
Normally we’d rush to the gym at the start of every year to get back in shape after the long Christmas season of festivities. But in the summer the stakes are higher!
The good news is that as a gym owner you can do a lot to help exercisers develop the right attitude while getting into their summer fitness routine.

1. Expectations vs Attitude
The first thing to tackle when talking to gym members is expectations. We love shortcuts and quick results, which is why we often bring expectations when we enter new situations.
Expectations help us cross the bridge from our comfort zone to everything that lies beyond it. While they can be useful to help our brain adjust to new settings, they can drag us back into the comfort zone if we perceive them as the ultimate reality.
Your team of personal trainers has the important role of teaching new gym goers the importance of having a great attitude (instead of great expectations).
When expectations don’t match the results, it’s going to be a kick-ass attitude that keeps exercisers showing up and sticking to their fitness plan.

2. Vanity vs Health
Once expectations have been tamed, it’s time to discuss the bigger picture.
“What are your fitness goals?”
“How about your lifestyle goals?”
“Are you here to become a healthier version of yourself, or to impress your crush?”
Enthusiastic gym-goers who are desperate to see the results want to look good – for themselves, for their partners, for their children. Instead of judging them, personal trainers can offer as much guidance and support as possible during the transformation.
It’s crucial that PTs help exercisers navigate through the complicated emotions that arise during the transformation. From anxiety to doubt, building healthier habits requires a lot of patience and support. Depending on your customers, you can use positive reinforcement or tough love to keep them on track with their goals.

3. Instant Results vs Long Game
A good fitness routine can help you with time management across all areas of your life, including work and family, personal and professional goals, social activities and self-care.
Personal trainers can teach gym members the importance of a well-structured fitness routine and all the benefits that come with it.
"It's not very sexy to talk about, but it's really important that if you're losing body fat, you might need more rest than before."
Sure, instant results are great, but it’s the long game of staying healthy that makes a gym membership so valuable.
In the process, gym members will discover how to apply the right level of rest at home in order to get optimal results at the gym.

4. Classes vs Programme
Giving gym members flexibility at the start of their fitness journey can be a huge factor in motivating them to show up to the gym floor regularly.
Some people thrive in a social setting, which makes gym classes the perfect addition to their fitness routine. Others are more introverted and prefer to work out at their own pace, which is why they’d really appreciate more 1-to-1 guidance (even if they don’t ask for it).
Why don’t you start your introduction session with asking new members how they prefer to get their workouts done – this way you can make the gym tour even more personalised!

5. Conclusions vs Feedback
The last point is crucial for understanding gym members. It’s the willingness to listen and offer personalised support that will set apart your team of trainers from the competitor across the street.
When PTs reach out, ask for feedback and offer advice (instead of judging and jumping to conclusions), gym members are more likely to open up and stay engaged.
Whether you send out regular email surveys or prefer to talk face to face, don’t forget to listen to what your members are saying and write down the most common answers, so that you are better equipped to offer solutions in the future.
👉 Continue reading: How To Attract And Retain Great PTs At Your Gym