Brand awareness is often the first step to attracting new customers. But with so many brands focusing more and more on their social media presence, it’s becoming nearly impossible to stand out without REALLY investing your time and energy into it.
Worry not, here are 3 awesome ways to generate more leads using social media that will be a lot of fun to organise for your team and even more fun for your future customers to participate in:
1. Referral codes
2. Events
3. Giveaways
Here’s how you can do it!
1. Referral codes
Who doesn’t love a discount? In fact, many people would follow social media pages in order to make sure they don’t miss out on upcoming promotions. Use this to your advantage and make a game out of it!
How? Hide referral codes in your social media campaigns.
Creating a treasure hunt with your marketing team will likely generate a buzz about your social media channels and increase your social media following and engagement in the process.
With this approach, it’s important to have plenty of content around the “golden ticket” updates to keep the algorithm displaying your posts and, of course, keep your followers engaged.
You can hide the referral codes in image or video posts, as part of the caption, or even link to blog posts on your website that contain a special word or phrase.
The best part is that you can have a referral code to a different membership or service every month, so that you have different audiences participating in the treasure hunt.
2. Events
There’s no better way to get new leads than to get people to sign up for upcoming events. The bigger and more exciting your events, the more interest you’ll generate.
If your first thought is “Well, none of my competitors are organising events. Why should I?” – we get it.
Event organisation takes time, energy and money that could be otherwise spent managing the business side of your gym.
But do you know what gym members, and customers generally, expect from a brand in 2023? Taking the customer experience to the next level!
Events will not only show that you care about creating memorable experiences, but they will demonstrate your commitment to nurturing your own community. Picture all the photos, tagged people and user-generated storytelling!
Your events could include a 5K or a 10K (charity) run, brunch organised with a nearby brand, a day dedicated to holistic classes like yoga and meditation, or whole boot camp weekend full of intense training.
All it takes to start the conversation is one event. Then you can customise the next one based on the feedback from your first attempt to get your members together.
3. Giveaways
There’s a special kind of thrill when you tag yourself and a friend under an ongoing social media campaign and patiently wait to see if you’ve won a FREE month or a SPECIAL SPA DAY at your favourite fitness space in town.
Sure, giveaways mean giving access to your gym for free, but think about all the opportunities to generate revenue once new leads are in your club:
- “Amazing to have you with us! We’d love to know more about your fitness goals.”
- “Did you know that we offer a special personalised nutrition plan that helps you detoxify and get your gut health back on track?”
- “You’re a runner, fantastic! Our trainer Paul has done three marathons if you’d like to team up for your training.”
These are some of the conversation openers you can use with new faces exploring your gym.
The hardest part is bringing people to the gym floor, then it’s a matter of getting to know them, so that you can make them an offer they simply can’t refuse.
Bonus tip!
You can team up with local social media influencers who will create specialised niche content to promote your brand to their audience streams, or content that you can use directly on your pages.
Collaborations with people who know what they’re doing online (because they’re doing content creation as their full-time job) can help you both elevate your brand image and generate more networking opportunities.
Should you team up with a social media influencer or a marketing agency? The answer will depend on a case-by-case situation.
Both social media influencers and marketing agencies will offer useful tips and ideas to promote your gym’s brand. If you feel like you “speak the same language”, then it’s likely that this will be a great collaboration.
Continue reading: Social Media Channels to Use for Your Gym’s Marketing in 2023